
A workshop on Urban Micro-farming in Springwood, NSW.

Yesterday I attended a fantastic Urban Micro-farming workshop run by Joe and Jo Tabone of Urbavore at Springwood in the Blue Mountains.

They have transformed an average suburban corner block into a thriving market garden selling home grown mushrooms, eggs and veggies at their weekly farmgate stall (see website for details – https://www.urbavore.com.au/).

In addition to this they process their own chickens and quail onsite for home consumption, make their own organic live culture liquid fertilizers, produce bio-gas which runs a single burner gas ring and still manage to look after the kids!

If you are looking for inspiration around growing organic veggies and just what you can achieve in a small space look no further. Verge gardening has been taken to a whole new level, with three cubic metres of community composting, row upon row of veggies and even a couple of fruit trees.

Joe made his own greenhouse on the old driveway in which they raise all their seedlings, have another row of veggies, and run quail to keep the pests and weeds down. Their quail tractors also clean up the front market garden beds and are truly pasture fed birds!

No matter how much you think you know about this gardening lark, there is always so much to learn. A great bonus was that Nicky Holbrook was on the workshop too – a fellow PDC student who lives in Oberon. So good to catch up after 3 years!

Urbavore features in the Blue Mountains Edible Garden trail, so if you fancy a sticky beak then they are open on the weekend of the 5th and 6th of March 2022.